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Summer Reading Event: Birds, Bees, Bats and Butterflies
What do these animals have in common besides being able to fly? The next time you drizzle honey into your tea or serve up a dish of fresh veggies on the table next to the bouquet of flowers, you can thank these pollinators for their service. Much of the food you eat and beauty you see in nature would not be here without them, but many of these animals are in trouble.
Program sponsored by Phoenix Public Library Foundation.
Seating is limited.
Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Game, it's for all ages! Prizes include free books and other great giveaways. Registration begins May 1. Start logging your reading on June 1. Game ends August 1. To sign up, click here!
Upcoming events
Time Zone: Arizona Time (change)
All Day Event, @Central Gallery, Burton Barr Central Library.
All Day Event, @Central Gallery, Burton Barr Central Library.