Event box

Science Cafe

Science Cafe

Explore science through this lecture series covering a wide range of topics from local experts in their field. 

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature

Nature has been solving problems for billions of years—so why not take some inspiration? Biomimicry is about learning from nature’s designs, processes, and ecosystems to tackle human challenges. Think of how velcro was inspired by burr seeds clinging to fur, how sharkskin inspired high-tech swim fabric, or how energy-efficient buildings mimic the ventilation of termite mounds. In this engaging talk, biomimicry expert Channing Schoneberger will introduce the basics of nature-inspired design. You’ll learn about the four steps of the biomimicry design process—scoping, discovering, creating, and evaluating—and explore how nature can serve as a mentor, a model, and even a measure for our ideas. Whether you’re curious about innovation, design, or sustainability, this session will show you how looking to the natural world can spark creative solutions.

Channing Schoneberger is a graduate of the Biomimicry Master's program at Arizona State University where he also received his Bachelor of Science in Sustainability with a focus on energy, materials, and technology. As a member of the Biomimicry Professional Certification program through Biomimicry 3.8, he has traveled to and researched major biomes and sub-biomes, and their adaptations to dynamic local and global pressures. He found the practice of biomimicry during his undergraduate studies while looking for new innovative ways to solve the challenges of sustainability. His experience helped facilitate the complete renovation of the original Biomimicry Center at Arizona State University using sustainability constructed materials and processes inspired by Nature as well as new adaptations for the relocation of the Biomimicry Center creating the universities first zero footprint multipurpose room. Channing has taught biomimicry and the Practice Biomimicry Thinking for elementary schools and speaking engagements.



This program will occur in Pulliam Auditorium, on the 1st floor of Burton Barr Central Library.



Do you require an accommodation to participate in a Phoenix Public Library program, service, or activity? Call 602-262-4636, TTY 711, or submit your request in person or through Ask Us at least 14 business days before the event. 

¿Necesita alguna adaptación para participar en algún programa, servicio o actividad de Phoenix Public Library? Llame al 602-262-4636, a la línea TTY al 711 o presente una solicitud en persona o por medio de Ask Us por lo menos 14 días hábiles antes del evento. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Arizona Time (change)
Burton Barr Central Library

Upcoming events

Time Zone: Arizona Time (change)

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